iA DemoCast 16: Apple Shortcuts for iOS

Well, it has been a while since we have had a full DemoCast, but this one is pretty important. Apple has released their newest version of iOS, which has a new form of automation built in called Siri Shortcuts. They have also released an app called Shortcuts that replaces the app called Workflow. Shortcuts lets users chain together actions to complete a task, and the best part is that you can add these shortcuts to Siri. Download the Shortcuts app from the App Store During the show, we go through the Library and gallery tabs of the app, we download a shortcut from the gallery and even make our own basic shortcut with VoiceOver on. iAccessibility has also created a shortcut and a category called Beyond the Gallery for shortcuts that are useful that aren’t in the gallery. Here is a link to the shortcut. About Beyond The Gallery Let us know what you think about the podcast by emailing feedback@iaccessibility.net, or by tweeting us at @iaccessibility1.