#iACast 111 – Foldable Phones

Show Description On this episode of the iACast, Michael, Aleeha and Jason talk all about foldable phones. News Stories Samsung and Huawei announce new phones. Micron and SanDisk announce 1 terabyte micro SD cards. New AirPods may be announced on March 29. New Apple software updates may be made available around the same time. iAccessibility Ad iAccessibility offers App development services. Picks Aleeha: Pixel 3 XL Jason: Google Pixelbook Michael: Pixel buds Providing Feedback We love hearing from you, so feel free to send an email to feedback@iaccessibility.net. You can follow us on Facebook, and Twitter. You can also find us on Reddit, and all around the web. Also, don’t forget to check out our YouTube page, and for all things iACast, check out our iACast page. If you’d like to help support us, you can do so via our Paypal and Patreon pages.