#iACast 82 – Google Tablet Degradation

On this episode of the #iACast, Aleeha, Michael, Allison, and Jason talked about the degradation of Android tablets. They mentioned the top Android tablets from PCMag, and the fact that Google removed support for their tablets from Android P. In the news, they talked about: Google Duplex, New voices in Google Assistant Android P features Sign up for the beta versions of Android P. The also discussed an article from Giznodo about how tech demos are fake. This week’s advertisement featured the iAccessibility training program. The show concluded with everyone’s weekly picks. Aleeha talked about Flicktype beta, Allison talked about the West World TV show and Aira’s description of the royal wedding. Jason’s pick was File explorer by Skyjos. Michael talked about his pick Movie Pass. Feel free to send feedback to feedback@iAccessibility.net or follow us at iAccessibility1 on Twitter.