#iACast 89 – Privacy In Technology

On this episode of the iACast, Michael, Aleeha, Jason, Scott, Allison, and Meaghan discuss privacy concerns related to the use of technology. We also discuss computer hygiene and other tips to help us all stay safe in today’s digital world. In the news this week, Apple releases Macbook Pro OS update to fix overheating Aira is now available 24 hours a day Our add this week features iAccessibility’s Web hosting/development services. For more information on these offerings, please email iaccessibility@iaccessibbility.net For our picks this week, Jason talked about the Cad U2 stereo headphones Aleeha mentioned she had been reading the Dresden Files Scott talked about a new twitter client he was using for windows, OpenTween Allison introduced us to the James Potter series Meaghan talked about watching the Big Bang Theory Season 11 Michael talked about his latest gaming obsession, Minecraft Feel free to follow us on twitter at iAccessibility1. You can also support the show by ggoing to patreon.com/iacastt