#iACast 99 – Accessibility Vs. Usability

On this episode of the iACast, Aleeha, Michael, Allison and Doug discuss the idea of accessibility vs. usability. Also discussed are first impressions of the Surface Pro 6, the Surface Go, and the Surface Book from Microsoft. Our ad for this week is our Training services. Picks: Allison’s pick is the August Smart lock. Doug’s pick is the iPhone SE. Michael’s pick is the Invoke Smart speaker, and Aleeha picked Youtube TV. We love hearing from you, so feel free to send an email to feedback@iaccessibility.net. You can follow us on Facebook, and Twitter. You can also find us on Reddit, and all around the web. Also, don’t forget to check out our YouTube page, and for all things iACast, check out our iACast page. If you’d like to help support us, you can do so via our Paypal and Patreon pages.