#iACast 138 – Welcome to 2020

Show Description

On this episode, Michael and Aleeha talk about what iAccessibility has been up to lately, as well as what to expect in the future. They also discuss new apps, technology purchases, and new and interesting items in entertainment media.


  • The NosillaCast interviews a company called Aquark at CES 2020. They are working on the miniaturization of quantum technologies. You can listen to the interview on this episode.
  • Samsung has created a rolling robot called Ballie to help you control your smart home.
  • The PawdCast will return with a discussion on proposed amendments which the DOT is planning to make to the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA) regulation on the transportation of service animals by air.
  • It is speculated that the next phone in the Galaxy line may be called the Galaxy S 20.
  • The self-driving company, Cruise, has made a self-driving vehicle without a steering wheel or pedals.


iAccessibility is ramping up its content on the website, which has been redesigned. You can look forward to returning shows, as well as some new ones; new training classes, and so much more. Stay tuned!


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