The PawdCast 5: Owner Training Your Guide Dog and Delta’s new Policies

Welcome back to another episode of the PawdCast. This episode contains a lot of very useful information, so let’s get started

First, we interview Julie Johnson, who has trained several guide dogs herself. She is the owner and operator of her website, Guide and Service Dogs,, as well as her Blind Mice Mega Mall store On The Go, which sells handmade equipment beneficial for any guide or service animal user, and some of which is beneficial for pet owners as well.  Julie is also the author of her own book, Courage to Dare: A Blind Woman’s Quest to Train Her Own Guide Dog. During our conversation, Julie does mention the Volhard Puppy Aptitude Test as a well-known puppy test that she uses on her own perspective puppies.

During the second half of the show, we invite Marion Gwizdala, president of the National Association of Guide Dog Users, to talk about Delta’s new regulations regarding Service and Support Animals. As of the publication of this podcast, the meeting with Delta Airlines has already occurred, and more information will be forthcoming. Stay tuned to the Twitter feed for more details. Please enjoy the show, and feel free to leave feedback for us in the comments, on social media, or by sending an email to

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