#CSUNATC17 – Right Hear Brings In-Building Mobility to the Blind

Each year, the California State University of Northridge (CSUN) holds their assistive technology conference. This year the conference was in San Diego California, and was held at the Manchester Grand Hyatt.

One of the biggest things that people go to this conference for is the exhibit hall, and iAccessibility was there and we continue to bring you articles based on several product seen at the exhibit hall.

Today I would like to discuss another exhibiter that I had the chance to meet and that was Right Hear. despite the pun possibilities, Right hear is a new system to provide mobility to their users through beacons and smartphones.

How does Right Hear work?

Right Hear is a system developed using smartphones and Bluetooth LE devices known as iBeacons. These iBeacons can work with iOS devices and Android devices to provide extremely accurate location based services such as alerts and push notifications.

Right Hear uses iBeacons and an app to make locations accessible. Right Hear calls these accessible locations. When the user of the Right Hear app enters an accessible location, a push notification is sent to their phone to let that user know that they have reached that location, at which point the user can use the compass view to get more information about their surroundings or get assistance from a person at Right Hear.

Where is Right Hear?

Right Hear is rolling out to businesses and organizations around the world. They are adding their technology to more and more locations as people request, and they are always interested in talking to businesses and organizations about adding their service to new places as well.


Right Hear is a new technology that will greatly improve the mobility of the blind and deaf-blind in navigating buildings. I think they have more to go until they will be useful in large places, but this is a start to using beacons for indoor navigation.

To learn more, Check out Right Hear’s website.

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