Spanish With Karla: 2 – Easy Travel Words and Questions

Episode Notes

Welcome to the second episode of Spanish with Karla! On this episode, Karla discusses several words that can be useful while traveling. Karla also expands on several questions that you can use while traveling as she promised during the first episode.

Words To Study

  • Yes – Si
  • No = No
  • Gracias = Thank you
  • Muchas Gracias = Thank you very much!
  • De Nada = You’re welcome!
  • Palabres Importantes
  • Hotel = Hotel
  • Taxi = Taxi
  • Restaurante = Restaurant
  • Baño = bathroom
  • Aeropuerte = Airport
  • Casa de cambio = house of change
  • Doctor = Doctor
  • Hospital = Hospital
  • Hora = hours

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