#iACast 36 – #CSUNATC17 Highlights

Each year, the California State University at Northridge, (CSUN) holds a conference on assistive technology. On this episode of the podcast, Jason Earls, Jeff Bishop from the ACB and Michael Doise discuss what they feel are the highlights, and here are the topics that were discussed.

Exhibit Hall Highlights

Session Highlights

Along with the exhibit hall, CSUN AT conference 2017 contained several sessions including pre-conference sessions. Here were the discussed highlights.

  • Several sessions listed in the agenda were on topics that were not represented well in the agenda, meaning that people would go in expecting to learn about a specific topic and would be presented with other information.
  • Session on the Blind Arduino Project. We will feature this topic here on iAccessibility.net soon.
  • AbleGamers discussed a session on the state of accessible gaming with modified controllers for games in the room.
  • Twitch.tv had a session on the current state of accessibility on Twitch.
  • Many of the sessions were geared towards education or on the implementation of WICAG 2.0 standards in websites.

We hope that you have enjoyed this episode of the iA Cast. Please leave us feedback at feedback@iaccessibility.net with questions, suggestions and comments for future episodes.

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