#iACast 71 Getting Started with Web Design

On this episode of the iA Cast, Aleeha, Michael, and Scott discuss the following topics.

  • Updates after HomePod unboxing. Everyone wants one.
  • We discuss the Aira Super Bowl description through YouTube and the conference call
  • Web design and development is a career accessible to everyone. During this episode, we talk about how to get started.
    • Buying a domain is the first place to start. Some good domain registrars are hover.com, and namecheap.com
    • Hosting is the next option to consider. We discussed BlueHost, GoDaddy, and Linode
    • You can code a website by hand using text editors like notepad, Notepad++ or CotEditor for Mac. These all work with screen readers. There are others like Visual Studio, Xcode, and others.
    • Another method providing a website is through a content management system like WordPress or Drupal.
    • There are other services that provide all of these options like Wix, and SqureSpace, but wordpress.com is the most accessible of the options.

iAccessibility offers training Services if you would like to learn to build a website by hand. Check our services page for more information.

Email us at feedback@iaccessibility.net or use the hashtag #iACast to ask questions or leave feedback on this episode.

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