#iACast 92 Mobile Automation

On this episode of the #iACast, Aleeha, Michael, Matt and Jason discuss mobile automation.

News of the Week

Ad of the Week

Michael talks to all of you all about the iAccessibility Mastodon Server.

Mobile Automation

The iAccessibility team talks to you all about Android’s Tasker app and iOS’s Workflow (soon to be Shortcuts) app. They share what automated tasks that they would like to have using Apple’s new Shortcuts app which will be coming out in iOS 12.

Picks of the week

  • Aleeha picks a very fun game called Word Rescue!
  • Matt stays on the gaming theme and shares the site Audiogames.net.
  • Jason tries to keep up to date on all the things happening around him and picks the Apple News app.
  • Michael has been going geek again on us and is now playing with a new social platform called Mastodon. In fact, he encourages listeners to join the iAccessibility Mastodon instance.

Getting in Touch

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