#iAGameCast 16 – Audio Wizards

Audiowizards app icon

Show Description On this episode, Aleeha, Jason, and Chris play through several levels of AudioWizards, a new game from myTrueSound. Providing Feedback We love hearing from you, so feel free to send an email to feedback@iaccessibility.net. You can follow us on Facebook, and Twitter. You can also find us on Reddit, and all around the web. Also, don’t… Continue Reading #iAGameCast 16 – Audio Wizards

#iAGameCast 15 – Circus Master Revenge

Circus masters revenge app icon

Show Description On this episode, Aleeha, Jason, and Victoria play through Circus Master Revenge from Mental Vision. Providing Feedback We love hearing from you, so feel free to send an email to feedback@iaccessibility.net. You can follow us on Facebook, and Twitter. You can also find us on Reddit, and all around the web. Also, don’t forget to check… Continue Reading #iAGameCast 15 – Circus Master Revenge

#iAcast GameCast 5 – Echoes From Levia Soulbound

Echos from Levia Soulbound logo

On this episode of the iA GameCast, Aleeha and Jason do a demo of a relatively new audio game called Echoes From Levia Soulbound. In this game, you play the roll of a blind young man named Seric, known in the village as the poor undertaker’s son. Pirates invade villages by the seas and Seric… Continue Reading #iAcast GameCast 5 – Echoes From Levia Soulbound