#iACast 65: Blindness VS Mainstream Devices

BrailleNote Touch with Google on the screen.

In this episode of the iA Cast, Michael, Aleeha, Matt, and Jason discuss what accessibility or mainstream devices are right for different situations. We also discuss what each person on the panel uses to complete certain day to day tasks whether it is mainstream or an accessibility related device. This episode contains a tribute to… Continue Reading #iACast 65: Blindness VS Mainstream Devices

The Brailliant 14: Increasing Productivity in A Small Package

Brailliant 14

A 14-cell braille display is not new. We have seen these before with devices such as the Focus 14 Blue from VFO group and the Smart Beetle from HIMS. HumanWare, makers of the popular Brailliant braille displays that come in 32, 40 and 80 cells, have announced a smaller model of the display called the Brailliant 14. Hardware and Features This… Continue Reading The Brailliant 14: Increasing Productivity in A Small Package

Is the BrailleNote Touch the Notetaker of the Future?

BrailleNote Touch with Google on the screen.

The English Braille code allows for people to read and communicate at the same speed as someone who reads and writes in print. Braille Notetakers allow Braille literate users to complete tasks with speech and Braille. Humanware, a company that makes a few of these Braille notetakers has released a new product called the BrailleNote… Continue Reading Is the BrailleNote Touch the Notetaker of the Future?