Pairing Apple Pencil with iPad Pro

Image of Apple Pencil being used with iPad Pro on flat surface

This weekend I received my Apple Pencil, and the first thing I did was get my iPad Pro and pair it with the Apple Pencil. The process is very simple and will take less than a minute. Here is how you pair the two devices. Pairing the Apple Pencil The Apple Pencil has a magnetic… Continue Reading Pairing Apple Pencil with iPad Pro

Low Vision Reading with Kindle Voyage

Image of Kindle Voyage

Amazon has created many devices over the years for reading books, but their latest Kindle devices have proven to be very successful. This week I upgraded from the Kindle Paperwhite to the Kindle Voyage which has new features and better low vision accessibility improvements. Here is what you can expect from the Voyage. Form Factor… Continue Reading Low Vision Reading with Kindle Voyage

Is the new Smart Battery Case worth a hump?

Apple Smart Battery Case for iPhone

Late last year, Apple released the new Smart Battery Case for the iPhone 6s. This battery was created for the iPhone 6s only as the 6s Plus contains 1/3 more battery power than the smaller phone. So is this case worth spending $100 for better battery life, and is it worth the hump on its… Continue Reading Is the new Smart Battery Case worth a hump?

Should there be a new Apple Watch in 2016?

Bigger pic of Apple Watch

Apple has a release cycle of a new product each year whether it be computers, phones or other hardware, but does Apple need a new Apple Watch this year? Advantages of a new Apple Watch model The advantages of a new Apple Watch this year would be that Apple could put a new processor and… Continue Reading Should there be a new Apple Watch in 2016?

Does Texture live up to all of the hype?

Image of Texture app icon

Texture is a new app to allow users the ability to read magazine articles from any magazine with only one subscription, which seems like a great deal. So, as we always do, we ask the question, Can you use that app for that? How this app works Texture essentially takes printed magazines and puts them… Continue Reading Does Texture live up to all of the hype?

iTerm2 for Mac – a very decent terminal replacement

iTerm2 Logo

A friend told me about an app today that I wanted to try called iTerm2 for the Mac. This app is a terminal replacement app that lets you write to the Macintosh terminal and execute commands with text. While this is a developer based app I feel it is worth mentioning here at the iAccessibility… Continue Reading iTerm2 for Mac – a very decent terminal replacement

Cortana, Microsoft’s Personal assistant for iOS

Microsoft has created its own personal assistant for iOS, and its name is Cortana. Cortana is a character from the Halo video games that assists the main hero on his quests. She is an AI that works within the main character’s helmet, which is why Microsoft chose to use her name for its personal assistant.… Continue Reading Cortana, Microsoft’s Personal assistant for iOS

Another New Beginning

Once before, iAccessibility was hosted on a WordPress site. We since made the switch to Squarespace due to limitations in configuration, but we have since determined that Squarespace does not meet our needs as far as Accessibility. Because of this, we have decided to move back to WordPress. We are still in the middle… Continue Reading Another New Beginning

Is it an iPad Pro, or is it just a big iPad?

iPad Pro with Smart Keyboard

So recently, Apple released the iPad Pro, and promised that this device would be a computer alternative, so  have decided to do as many have done and try to use the iPad as a main computer. In many wyas, the iPad Pro has things that are better than an iMac or Macbook, and in some… Continue Reading Is it an iPad Pro, or is it just a big iPad?